
Beginner Kit

The Beginner Kit has everything you need to whisk through fascia at the surface and deeper levels. Enjoy The FasciaBlaster® for full-body surface fascia as a massage tool. The FaceBlaster™ is a unique design, and our smallest Blaster tool, with 3 tiny, dainty claws that employ the same benefits of the FasciaBlaster® for smaller, delicate areas. Combine with our spectacular oils specifically designed for FasciaBlasting.

One spectacular kit, One amazing price!

It takes just 20 minutes
to change the whole course of your day—and night

The Negative Impact Of Stress

Stress causes chemical and structural changes in every system in the body:

Nervous System

Development of tumors, cerebral hemorrhages, aneurysms, strokes,
dementia, cognitive impairment, depression, memory loss

Circulatory System

Constricts arterial system, promotes cardiovascular disease, causes blood pressure and heart rate changes

Endocrine System

Release of cortisol and ACTH which stimulates adrenal cortex, exhausts adrenal glands, thyroid malfunction, weight gain, can cause diabetes, decreases immune cell count, can lead to cancer

Digestive System

Nervous stomach, nausea, bleeding ulcers, spastic colon, ulcerative colitis